westingtyler's projects 
currently in development

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GT status:action-packed thrill ride

A first person shooter like GoldenEye.

I recently replayed GoldenEye to see if it holds up and is still fun and good, or if everyone loving it is down to nostalgia. It's unimaginably good - as long as the controls, frame-rate, and graphics are modernized. And there's no other game like it. And I've NEVER played another game like it, and that's obnoxious.

I spent a few days breaking down all the mechanics I could from map layout to enemy AI, trying to figure out why no other game FEELS like GoldenEye does, and I plan to make a video essay about this because I think I can back this up with specifics.

I want to make my own GoldenEye-style game that actually FEELS like GoldenEye in terms of exploration, gunplay, and progression. If you know of a GoldenEye-like game that exists then I want to play it, but I've never found it.

Timesplitters 2 is the closest I've encountered, and even it doesn't quite get it. There's a cool game being developed called S.P.I.E.S., but who knows if it will actually capture the essence of GoldenEye or be yet another game that captures the aesthetics while missing the gritty mechnical detail of the original. There's another one in development called Agent 64, and you can download the free demo now on Steam. it's fantastic but feels just a smidge more like Perfect Dark than GoldenEye, which probably comes down to its slick -- rather than gritty - visuals. So anyway, I'm developing my own.

The core ideas that make GoldenEye special that no one seems to understand, are:
1) a grid of levels viewable from the beginning all at once, each with open level design with objectives known from the beginning that can be completed in any order, with the player needing to escape the mission area at the end.
2) the enemy AI very unrealistic in a particular way, and this makes it BETTER imo.
3) GoldenEye is the best cover-shooter ever - all while having no bespoke cover mechanics.
4) three difficulties with more objectives on higher difficulties, and target times that unlock SOMETHING, per level, creating essentially 80 unique, masterable experiences with only 20 level layouts, and also a custom difficulty setting where many sliders can be tweaked.

So far most of the work has been previs. As in, breaking down the mechanics and figuring out where I can add new ideas. I also have a basic level grid menu worked out, and I know roughly what each level will contain. A game like GoldenEye is only as good as the level design and moment-to-moment gunplay and stealth. The game levels come first, and then a cool story with resonant themes, as icing, though for GoldenEye it's mainly about the game mechnics and less about the story itself. I'm excited to make a really cool story, too, but for now it's brass tacks.
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Everything is a work-in-progress and is subject to change. Release dates TBA.