Merging All Britannia Versions Into One Map

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 06:54 AM

A map of Britannia from Ultima VI but with additional islands adding like Bordermarch, Farthing, and the Isle of Fire.

(Old Image Version) A texture paint-over I started on top of geometry in Blender. Original hi-res game scan at Ian Albert's website.

What important places are missing from this map? Are there errors? Or is the map good? this is v1.

I'm using the Ultima VI map as a base and incorporating all other games' relevant locations (except actual dungeon labels so far.) I think it's pretty good, so now I want others to examine it to see how it could be improved.

Even saying "Spiritwood is made of purple trees, so make it purple" or things like that, would be helpful.

For this I took the 4k in-game world map from Ian Albert's website. I put it into Blender on a subdivided plane, used Dyntopo to shape the landmass (it has mountains and oceans and is walkable in Blender but very blank at that perspective.) Then I texture painted on top of the image to add detail and de-pixelate it. so it comes from Ultima VI in-game map. The position inconsistencies are an issue, so for me since Ultima Vi is my "anchor" game, if there is a conflict usually I will let Ultima VI's positions win, unless there is genuinely something more interesting from another game.

I just think the coolest Ultima ever, would be one where you get to experiences the cool places from all the Ultima games in one world. More specifically... don't click this spoiler tag if you want to discover things in-game... [Show/Hide]

The lore I'm workshipping that you'll discover in-game is something about...

From the Gargish Book of Circles:

"Singularity. This is the eighth virtue, but it is also the first, because within Singularity can be found all the principles, and thus all the virtues. A circle has no end. It continues forever, with all parts equally important in the success of the whole. Our society is the same. It too continues forever, with all members (and all virtues) equal parts of the unified whole."

Without spoilers, that quote should give you an idea what I'd like to do.

Here's the original fb UDIC post.

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