Project Ultradeep & Dungeon Design Philosophy

Sunday, August 07, 2022 at 02:05 AM

Not directly Ultima-related, but in the spirit (DnD). A 51-minute video with chapters. Some asked about #ProjectUltradeep, another of my side projects, so here is a video I just made of me talking about it, and about my design philosophy when it comes to dungeons. At 5:29 I show off my Ultima #AgeofSingularity models briefly. Feedback is appreciated since this is the first time I've done a video like this!

Adding the room descriptions into the SQL database so they can populate in the 3D dungeon.

Adding the room descriptions into the SQL database so they can populate in the 3D dungeon.

In this vid I detail my thought process and design process for working on my free fan tribute tool about Dungeons and Dragons. At the end I show the current state of that project, which is a 3d recreation of Undermountain from the Forgotten Realms.

 Me showing off my Ultima VI assets that I can also use in PUD.

Me showing off my Ultima VI assets that I can also use in PUD.

Here's a rundown of the video with random screenshots of cool stuff. Maybe this should be broken into like 8 other shorter videos in a million years when I have the free time.

  Showing off the Blender 3D models for level 1 of Undermountain.

Showing off the Blender 3d models for level 1 of Undermountain.

I made a detailed 52-minute dev video showing my process and philosophy regarding my Project Ultradeep Waterdeep and Undermountain 3d recreation project. I included chapters to make it more navigable.

Painting of an armored knight with gooey tentacles emerging through its plates.

An armored knight with gooey tentacles emerging through its plates. (Midjourney V3)

At first I introduce myself. Then I show the room key and setpiece key text transfer process in preparation for making 3d asset setpieces to populate the dungeon with (doors, open pits, etc.)

A folder of every Dungeons and Dragons monster concept I've been able to find so I can study their bestiary.

A folder of every Dungeons and Dragons monster concept I've been able to find so I can study their bestiary.

Then I show the blend file for the setpieces, the blend file for my #AgeofSingularity setpieces to show what a finished result will look like, and I show the actual Undermountain LVL1 model blend file.

 A blender file showing an array of printable 3D DnD models I downloaded from Shapeways, etc. to study.

A blender file showing an array of printable 3D DnD models I downloaded from Shapeways, etc. to study.

Then I talk about and show all the custom textures, monster designs, and art I'm working on, and I talk about how I'm using Midjourney AI to concept a lot of these areas, setpieces, and textures.

 A folder of concept images from Undermountain I colored.

A folder of concept images from Undermountain I colored.

After this, I show the current build, where I walk around level 1 of Undermountain for like 25 minutes, showing off some of the mechanics, and talking about my design philosophy a bit when it comes to dungeons.

Walking down a corridor in Undermountain level 1.

Walking down a corridor in Undermountain level 1.

The Undermountain Level 1 map in-game, and it shows the lighting.

Looking at the Undermountain Level 1 map in-game, and it shows the lighting.

A view from above Level 1 of Undermountain in-game.

A view from above Level 1 of Undermountain in-game.

This is the first dev video like this I've made, and I hope to make more and better ones in the future!

Here's the original fb UDIC post.

You've reached the end of this devlog entry.