Coding the Menus

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 09:39 AM

The Collections Screen: gravestones, paintings, books, deeds, signs.

More of what I've been working the past few days. Coding the menus in C# using Unity and ChatGPT in Visual Studio Code with Github Copilot as well. Very awesome. In this video you can see the the nicer v2 drafts mixed in with some 1st drafts that are just about general shapes and colors, depending on the menu.

Remember: the first step toward making something that looks awesome is making something that looks horrible!
The UI Collections Screen: Gravestones, Paintings, Books, Deeds, Signs.

The UI Collections Screen: Gravestones, Paintings, Books, Deeds, Signs.

That second graphic image shows the categories of "collectibles" you can find around britannia - gravestone engravings, books, scrolls, paintings, and signposts - and I hope to have a setting in the game to allow you to manually translate them from britannian if you want, or for them to just be in English. You don't collect the actual objects in some cases, but once you've encountered them they get added to your grid view, which is always real fun to see fill out! I think my desire to see shelves get filled is part of why I like these Zelda-style inventory screens.

I've even considered a kind of side quest where you go around learning each runic character, and as you do so, they start appearing in English when you read things. Might be difficulty to do it dynamically per-character (changing the TMP font makes it easy) but it would be cool if easily possible.

All the English text is saved in a SQL database, meaning it should be possible to add new languages over time if I can get help from others to do so. The order will probably be English, Spanish, then other languages if I can find help to do so (or have ChatGPT do it then have real humans verify it's localized well). If I end up doing the translations myself, I will legit just look at the Ultima series sales per country, and just go down the list from where it's most popular to least. But all that stuff is way down the road; let's get the game functional first.

Here's the original fb UDIC post.

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