Generating Character Models with Luma

Monday, December 11, 2023 at 10:53 PM

3D models of knights in armor.

3D models I generated in Luma Genie's discord.

Now Luma AI has released Genie in discord, a text to 3d tool. You type some words, and in 5 seconds it makes a 3d model (four actually, and you can upres ones you like and download them). They are too high poly (50k triangles), and their uv islands too scattered, to be game-ready, but they could be dropped into Unity to serve as "tracers", that you could create a new topology objects and texture maps for.

Considering Ultima VI has 200 characters, this makes the process much faster to create them than the old method I was using. I've tested this tool with characters, props, setpieces, vehicles, even mini cottage dioramas, and it is the first legit text to 3D tool I've found. Currently free to use 'during the research phase'.

I usually get a "full body a-pose symmetrical standing on the ground" version, and "an upper body face head bust" one, then combine the better head with the body in blender. This stuff will even be nuts for people wanting to make tabletop minis to 3d print.

Update in September 2024: Now I used Chat GPT to make an entire Blender addon to help automate the atlassing and stitching and prep process. When I make a video showing all that, I'll add it here. I'llAddStuffHere.

Here's the original fb UDIC post.

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