westingtyler's projects 
currently in development

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SP status: an untold adventure

An adventure that feels like part of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

If I were in charge of remastering Zelda: Ocarina of Time, this is essentially all the content I'd add. New areas, dungeons, story elements. But since I'm not in charge of remastering Ocarina of Time, this is a standalone adventure that I hope feels like Ocarina of Time and which could essentially be seen as a fanfic-ish complement to it. I'm currently painting my own texture atlas, which I'll use to make a complete exterior map.

I've already sculpted all the exterior map areas in Adobe Medium and remeshed all the geometry in Blender and texture it using my own textures. Hopefuly once I do, it will feel like Ocarina of Time but also have my own style twist.

Evolving the aesthetic of OoT is interesting to me; having a low-poly style that still feels fresh and full.

It would be neat to someday merge this into OoT with a romhack or something, but it seems wiser for me to make my own project that feels similar but is my own.

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Everything is a work-in-progress and is subject to change. Release dates TBA.